Volume 10, Issue 3 (2019)                   JMBS 2019, 10(3): 391-399 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Biology Department, Sciences Faculty, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran, Biology Department, Science Faculty, University of Maragheh, Prof. Ghannadi Boulevard, Mother Square, , Amir Kabir Highway, Maragheh, Iran , parisafathirezaei@gmail.com
2- Agricultural Biotechnology Department, Agricultural Faculty, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran
Abstract:   (6717 Views)
Datura (Datura stramonium) is known as a rich source of tropane alkaloids, including scopolamine and hyoscyamine as parasympatholytics that competitively antagonize acetylcholine. Production of secondary metabolites often occurs in plants against the various elicitors or signal molecules. In this study, the effect of yeast extract as a biotic elicitor on tropane alkaloid production was evaluated. Surface-sterilized Datura seeds were cultured on 1/2 MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of yeast extract (0, 1.5, and 3g/L). One month after germination, alkaloid yield of Datura plantlets was measured by the use of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Also, total protein content and antioxidative enzymes activity were determined by spectrophotometry method. According to the results, the fresh weight of root and shoot parts of Datura plantlets at 1.5g/L yeast extract was increased about 2 and 4 times, respectively. Yeast extract (1.5g/L) caused to 1.7 times increase of hyoscyamine amount of root and shoot parts and 2.5 folds scopolamine of Datura plantlets. Moreover, on yeast extract (1.5g/L)-treated plantlets, total protein content, and activity of catalase and guaiacol peroxidase were almost the same as the control group. Altogether, yeast extract (1.5g/L) can be used as a good candidate for enhancement production of tropane alkaloids especially hyoscyamine and scopolamine with high medicinal value.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Agricultural Biotechnology
Received: 2017/05/3 | Accepted: 2017/10/7 | Published: 2019/09/21

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