Volume 7, Issue 2 (2016)                   JMBS 2016, 7(2): 90-100 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammad Soltani B, Hassanlou M, Mowla S J. Hsa-miR-6165 expression status during the neural like differentiation of NT2 cells. JMBS 2016; 7 (2) :90-100
URL: http://biot.modares.ac.ir/article-22-2715-en.html
1- Assisstant professor/TMU, Tehran
2- Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract:   (6265 Views)
Neurotrophins are a family of secretive growth factors that do their functions via binding to their specific receptors (Trks) or their common receptor (p75ntr). p75ntr has important roles in survival, differentiation and proliferation of several types of cells. MicroRNAs are non-coding small RNAs that regulate post-transcriptional mRNA expression. Recently, a MiRNA named hsa-miR-6165 has been discovered in forth intron of p75ntr. Bioinformatics analysis has revealed that this MiRNA has important roles on regulation of several cellular signaling pathways and signaling pathway involve in differentiation. Therefore, in the present study, the expression of hsa-miR-6165 in neuronal differentiation of NT2 human embryonic carcinoma stem cell line and non-nervous and nervous human cell lines was analyzed. Our results indicated that hsa-miR-6165 not only has been expressed in differentiation process of NT2 cells and neural cell lines but although significantly expressed in several human non-neural cell lines such as hFSF and Hela. In addition, the expression of this miRNA, unlike its host gene, upregulated at the end of the differentiation. These results indicate the probable presence of independent promoter for this MiRNA and revealed that hsa-mir-6165 maybe has roles in cellular differentiation which needs more investigation.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Genetics
Received: 2015/09/26 | Accepted: 2016/02/6 | Published: 2016/09/22

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