Volume 9, Issue 2 (2018)                   JMBS 2018, 9(2): 179-185 | Back to browse issues page

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Aghamiri S, Akbari-Karadeh S, Tajer Mohammad Ghazvini P, Ghorbanzadeh Mashkani S. Effect of Temperature and Reducing Agent on Labeling of Magnetosomes with 188Re and Biodistribution of Labeled Magnetic Nanoparticles. JMBS 2018; 9 (2) :179-185
URL: http://biot.modares.ac.ir/article-22-14029-en.html
1- Medical Radiation Department, Nuclear Engineering Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
2- Materials & Nuclear Fuel Reaserch School, Nuclear Science & Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran, Materials & Nuclear Fuel Research School, Nuclear Science & Technology Research Institute, North Karegar Street, Tehran, Iran. , ptajer@aeoi.org.ir
3- Nuclear Science & Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (10988 Views)
Aims: In recent years, magnetotactic bacteria and their magnetic nanoparticles (magnetosomes) were considered in different fields of science, including medicine, biotechnology, and nanobiotechnology due to their novel and unique magnetic properties. The present study was performed with the aim of evaluating the effect of temperature and reducing agent on labeling of magnetosomes with 188Re and biodistribution of labeled magnetic nanoparticles.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, Alphaproteobacterium MTB-KTN90 and sonication extraction method were used for the extraction of magnetic nanoparticles. After bacterial lysis, the magnetic nanoparticles produced by electron microscope were investigated and tin (II) chloride, as reducing agent, was used to check the labeling efficiency and rats were used to examine the biodistribution of the labeled magnetosomes.
Findings: The highest efficiency in magnetosome labeling experiments was 11100kBq in the initial activity, which decreased with increasing activity. The increase in temperature did not have much effect on increasing the labeling efficiency. The labeling value in the absence of a reducing agent was 721.5kBq, while at a concentration of 2mg of this agent, the labeling value increased to 10745.91kBq. After the injection of magnetosomes through the sublingual vein of the rat, the magnetosomes accumulated in the liver.
Conclusion: Magnetosomes extracted from Alphaproteobacterium MTB-KTN90 have a high potential for labeling by 188Re. Increasing temperature does not affect the labeling efficiency, but tin (II) chloride is a very important factor in optimizing the labeling efficiency, and the highest accumulation of magnetosomes labeled with 188Re after injection is in the liver of the rat.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Agricultural Biotechnology
Received: 2016/08/21 | Accepted: 2017/04/10 | Published: 2018/06/21

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