Volume 10, Issue 2 (2019)                   JMBS 2019, 10(2): 255-261 | Back to browse issues page

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Azimi M, Rahimi M, Ebrahimi M, Totonchi M. Data Mining as a Tool to Identify miRNAs which Regulate Stemness, Metastasis and Drug Resistance in Gastric Cancer. JMBS 2019; 10 (2) :255-261
URL: http://biot.modares.ac.ir/article-22-15922-en.html
1- Cellular Sciences Institute (Royan), Institute of Biology and Technology of Stem Cell Academy, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), Tehran, Iran
2- Cellular Sciences Institute (Royan), Institute of Biology and Technology of Stem Cell Academy, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), Tehran, Iran, Cellular Sciences Institute (Royan), Institute of Biology and Technology of Stem Cell Academy, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), Tehran, Iran , mebrahimi@royaninstitute.org
3- Genetics, Reproductive Biomedical Department, Institute of Biology and Technology of Stem Cell Academy, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (6956 Views)
Cancer stem cells are responsible for the formation the resistance to treatment, tumor relapse, and metastasis. miRNAs play an important role in the regulation of biological processes. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to candidate miRNAs that are involved in the regulation of all three properties including stemness, metastasis, and drug resistance and find their target genes and signaling pathways by using literature learning and data mining. The present systematic review is done to identify stemness-regulating miRNAs. By using CORMINE database, metastasis and drug resistance regulating miRNAs collected. Finally, we compared these three lists of miRNAs and found common miRNAs in these three properties. ONCO.IO database and KEGG pathway have been done to obtain the interaction between miRNA-miRNA target and cancer-related signaling pathway respectively. We collected 191 stemness-regulating miRNAs from 21 excluded studies. Based on CORMINE database, 161 miRNAs and 57 miRNAs had metastasis and stemness features respectively. We obtained 7 common miRNAs that 4 of them including has-miR-34a, has-miR-23a, has-miR-30a, has-miR-100 has a significant role for targeting signaling pathways involved in cancer and their most important targets regulate many processes of cells. These data suggest that three important properties can regulate by common miRNAs. Therefore, target these miRNAs or their targets can be helpful to stop tumor growth and metastasis and may be useful biomarkers for early detection of gastric cancer.
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Subject: Agricultural Biotechnology
Received: 2017/10/26 | Accepted: 2018/02/13 | Published: 2019/06/20

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