Volume 9, Issue 1 (2018)                   JMBS 2018, 9(1): 131-136 | Back to browse issues page

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Zeinali F, Homaei A. Antioxidant Enzymes Activity of Superoxide Dismutase in the Avicennia marina from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman in the Presence of the Metal Ions. JMBS 2018; 9 (1) :131-136
URL: http://biot.modares.ac.ir/article-22-24320-en.html
1- Marine Biology Department, Marine Science & Technology Faculty, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran
2- Biochemistry Department, Science Faculty, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran, Biochemistry Department, Science Faculty, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran. Postal Code: 7916193145 , a.homaei@hormozgan.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5493 Views)
Aims: Mangroves are subjected to a range of abiotic stresses, which affect their growth and normal physiological processes. One of the most important modes of enzymatic antioxidant defense against stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is superoxide dismutase (SOD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant enzymes activity of superoxide dismutase in the avicennia marina from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman in the presence of the metal ions.
Materials and Methods: In the present experimental study, which was conducted on the leaf of avicennia marina, the sampling was carried out from two habitats including Khamir port in the Persian Gulf and Sirik in the Gulf of Oman and the treatments were carried out in 3 replications. H2O2 sensitivity test and KCN test were used to determine the SOD type. The data were analyzed, using SPSS 19 software by multivariate analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test for comparing the means.
Findings: The type of SOD enzyme was detected as Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD). There was no significant difference between different treatments of metals between two regions, and no interaction was observed between metal factor, concentration, and type of region. A strong inhibitory effect was observed in the presence of HgCl2 solution and a weak inhibitory effect was observed in the presence of ZnSo4, FeSo4, and MgCl2 solutions.
Conclusion: Copper, manganese, and cobalt ions significantly increase the activity of the superoxide dismutase, while monovalent ions such as sodium and potassium have little effect on increasing SOD activity and the activity of the antioxidant enzymes of avicennia marina leaf from Khamir port in the Persian Gulf and Sirik in the Gulf of Oman is not different.
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Subject: Agricultural Biotechnology
Received: 2017/04/5 | Accepted: 2017/10/23 | Published: 2018/03/20

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