abdollahzade N, zare S, manaffar R, asem A. Effect of two different salinities on survival, growth rate and cyst diameter of 5 Artemia urmiana populations from Urmia Lake regions. JMBS 2011; 2 (1)
1- urmia - medical Faculty - physiology lab, urmia
2- urmia- Department of biology, Science Faculty, Urmia University-, urmia
3- urmia-Artemia and Aquatic Animals Research Institute, urmia
4- Protectors of Urmia lake Naional Park Society (NGO), Urmia, Urmia
Abstract: (11313 Views)
In recent years, extension of Artemia applications in aquaculture and decreasing of natural resource, lead many of related studies to the distribution of Artemia population and new resource assessment studies. Urmia Lake as one the biggest habitat for Artemia because of ecological variations in the regions in which of its differentiations in cyst biometry and Artemia, moreover some genetic variations suggested to have some several Artemia populations in the Lake. In this project Artemia cyst samples were collected from 5 ecological stations of the Lake Urmia. The cyst hatching and the nauplii breeding up to adult Artemia stage were done according to optimum conditions in laboratory. Growth rate and survival of larva in days of 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 20 of rearing period were measured in feeding with a complex of Dunaliella tertiolecta and Lanzy PZ for a period of 20 days in 75 and 150 ppt. Data and its statistical analysis revealed that according to previously records the growth rate of the Artemia was influenced by increasing the salinity from 75 to 150 ppt survival and growth rate of Artemia have been influenced by water salinity (P<0.05) but increasing the salinity only in two population of Bari and Eslami led decreasing of survival. The produced cysts in two salinity showed that Artemia population can produce the cysts with different diameter and there were not any statistic correlations between the salinity and populations. The Dandrogarm of population statistic analysis emphasized that according to growth rate and survival parameters and among populations under this test there were 4 different populations of Artemia urmiana in which had interesting differentiations in growth rate and survival.
Keywords: Artemia, Survival, Growth rate, Salinity, Urmia Lake.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Food Science and Technology Received: 2010/10/2 | Accepted: 2011/03/5 | Published: 2011/09/19