1- Biotechnology Department, Agriculture Faculty, University of Payam Noor, Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran , rezaeimirghayed@gmail.com
2- Department of genomics, Branch of Central Region (Isfahan), Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran (ABRII), Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Organization of Iran (AREEO), Isfahan, Iran
Abstract: (1878 Views)
Rye is one of Iran's most important crops, known as Secale, belonging to the Poaceae. In this research, genetic diversity of 39 families of rye populations from different regions of Iran, the USA, and the Soviet :union: was evaluated with the ISSR marker. The results showed that 8 ISSR initiators produced 48 bands which included 18 polymorphic bands (37.5% polymorphism). The mean of polymorphic information content (PIC) and marker index value (MI) for ISSR primers was 0.15 and 7.2 respectively. The highest PIC (3.0) was related to primer 5+6 and the highest MI (0.96) reached for primer 1+6. After observing polymerase chain reaction products on an agarose gel and scoring DNA bands, the analysis was performed with NTSYS software. The cluster analysis dendrogram of UPGMA and Jaccard's similarity coefficient divided the rye populations into 9 groups, the results were compiled with grouping by principal component analysis. The results of analysis of Molecular Variance indicated an in-species variation more than inter-species variation. The mean Nei genetic variation (h) was 350 and the mean of Shannon index (I) in rye species was 523, which indicates a relatively good variety within species. The results showed that the ISSR marker was a useful tool in determining genetic variation of inter and intra specific of rye.
Article number: 5
Article Type:
Original Research |
Agricultural Biotechnology Received: 2020/05/28 | Accepted: 2021/06/12 | Published: 2022/07/2